
BJP National President Shri J.P. Nadda addressing public rallies in Buxar & Arrah (Bihar)


Date: 20/10/2020

Bharatiya Janata Party National President Shri Jagat Prakash Nadda today addressed massive election rallies at two places in Bihar — at Buxar the land associated with Maharshi Vishwamitra and Aara which is known for contributions of Babu Veer Kunwar Singh.

Shri Nadda appealed to people of Bihar to once again elect NDA government to ensure continuation of ‘Vikas Raaj’ under Chief Minister Shri Nitish Kumar. Bihar BJP President Dr Sanjay Jaiswal and all NDA candidates from the region were present at the rally.

The BJP National President said the picture is very clear that NDA will form a majority government in Bihar. The people of Bihar have already made up their minds to continue with progressive and development oriented government of NDA under the guidance of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and leadership of Chief Minister Shri Nitish Kumar.



The picture in Bihar is very clear that NDA will form a majority government in Bihar. The people of Bihar have already made up their minds to continue with progressive and development oriented government of NDA under the guidance of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and leadership of Chief Minister Shri Nitish Kumar.


In the election posters of Rashtriya Janata Dal on pictures of Tejaswi Yadav are visible while Lalu Prasad Yadav is missing. Lalu Yadav Ji’s son has removed his photographs from all election material because he knows that Bihar’s electorate are mature and sensible as they know that the rule of ‘lanturn’ is long gone and ‘LED’ government has taken over to take Bihar on the path of progress and development. Bihar will no longer vote for ‘bahubal’ but will vote for ‘vikas bal’ (development).


The political alliance of Congress, RJD and CPI-ML is not natural, it’s unholy and impractical which will force Bihar towards misrule and anarchy. How will there be peace and development if RJD and CPI-ML forms government in Bihar?


Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi fulfilled all his promises made to people of Bihar. He gave Rs.1.25 lakh crore package to Bihar and also gave special financial assistance of Rs.40,000 crore to the state. Modi ji has again proved that whatever promises he makes, he delivers.


It has become character of Congress to promote anti national feelings and sentiments. Congress has been totally shunned by the people of India. Today they are not even worthy of sitting in opposition. Whenever election comes in any state, Congress leaders indulge in factionalism and start giving absurd statements.


Congress has no achievements to talk about. The irony is that Congress leaders are campaigning for Bihar elections but talking about Pakistan and China, this is what reflects how ideologically bankrupt they are.

Today Congress leaders are openly praising Pakistan and the leader who is leading from the front are their leader Rahul Gandhi.


When the entire world is talking about how Indians fought unitedly again Covid19 and how Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi led from the front in this fight, Rahul Gandhi is busy talking about Pakistan. Rahul Gandhi is speaking same anti-national language which is spoken by terrorists, separatists and anti-national forces. Congress had reached its lowest ebb, its leader Rahul Gandhi has stooped to his lowest. May God give Congress and its leaders some mental balance.


Senior Congress leader P Chidambaram is openly saying if Congress comes to power, it will restore Section 370 in Jammu and Kashmir. P Chidambaram needs to understand that people of India are so mature and intelligent that will totally decimate Congress from Indian political scene.


Another Congress leader Shashi Tharoor insulted India from Pakistani soil. He used stage in Pakistan to demean India and praised Pakistan. Similarly another Congress leader Manishankar Iyar during his Pakistan visit pleaded to save from India from Modi. This is the true anti-national and unpatriotic character of Congress leaders.


Today Pakistan and China have clearly understood that whosoever will try will interfere with India’s integrity will be given a strong and befitting reply. Today terrorists infiltrating into India are shown no mercy, they are hanged to teach their trainers a lesson that no one will be spared.


To China is shocked to see how under Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi India has managed to build 4700 km long border roads from Arunachal Pradesh to Ladhak in last six years, boosting India’s border infrastructure.


India is a democratic nation that is why it is fundamental right of opposition parties to protest. But Congress has forgotten all this and proof of it is the date — October 31 which is birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel — on which it decided to protest against progressive laws which will kick-start much needed  reforms in agriculture sector which will benefit crors of marginal farmers across India.


The leader who laid the foundation of strong and integrated India, Congress leaders and it’s workers never remember and pay tributes to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Congress leaders don’t visit his ‘samadhi’ neither they go to visit his massive statue, which is a modern wonder, as it doesn’t suit their negative form of politics.


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